Kultura innowacji w organizacji – jak Crowdio wspomaga jej budowę

Innovation culture in organizations – how Crowdio supports its development

According to the PwC “20th CEO Survey,” 38% of CEOs consider investments in innovation and new technologies a top priority. This approach should also consider innovations related to process improvements, making work easier for employees at all levels, and involving employees in the innovation-seeking process. An innovation culture supports activities that promote the creation and implementation of new ideas and solutions in line with the organization’s values and beliefs. Increasing employee autonomy in decision-making plays a significant role in this process.1

Crowdio – a place for sharing inspirations

Innovation culture is an approach that fosters innovation development. Situations in which managers make decisions take away the sense of agency from employees in lower positions. This, in turn, results in decreased engagement. Employees feel that their voice doesn’t matter within the organization. The hierarchical distribution of power is not in line with the values and beliefs promoted by an innovation culture.

A response to the needs of organizations wanting to build an innovation culture is employee crowdsourcing. The process of collecting ideas from employees brings mutual benefits to both employees and the entire company. It becomes a way to build employee engagement, an instrument for analyzing the organization’s needs, and a source of ideas for development in various areas of operation.

A crowdsourcing platform like Crowdio provides employees with space to submit ideas, while campaign managers have the ability to analyze them, manage them efficiently, and conduct internal contests for implementation. Every employee, regardless of their position, has the right to submit their proposal, review other ideas, and vote for the best one. The weight of the votes, regardless of the position held within the company, is the same. This fact strongly supports the sense of value and agency among employees. Crowdio engages employees in internal competition for ideas. The rewards system serves as an additional motivator for employees to seek solutions and personal development.

Innovation culture – an organized system of implementation processes

In an organization that prioritizes development, the search for innovation should not be sporadic. The search for ideas should be continuous, and the need for process and product improvements should be analyzed in real-time. This requires an organized innovation management process that is structured within defined frameworks outlining its successive stages. 

Crowdio not only allows employees to submit ideas, which constitutes the first stage of the innovation implementation process but also enables the management of these ideas until their execution. With the ability to allocate budgets for specific campaigns, gather assessments from employees, and quickly assess unsuitable ideas, it aids in planning and selecting submissions. All approved ideas are collected in one place, allowing you to direct them to an evaluation committee with a single click. At every stage, all employees have equal access to information regarding the progress of implementation and are engaged in the entire process.

Once an idea is approved for implementation by the committee, you can invite employees to join the project team. They can also participate in submissions by responsible implementation officers, who not only supervise the project’s progress but also serve as contacts and delegates for internal start-up projects. This way, employees working in innovation management are relieved from having to carry out all the activities themselves or seek suitable individuals. Crowdio can even suggest appropriate suppliers for specific products or provide curated profiles from LinkedIn for your project team. 

kultura innowacji wspiera zaangażowanie pracowników

A crowdsourcing platform – the intersection point between employees and an innovative company 

Crowdio is a place where those responsible for innovation implementation in the company meet with employees to understand their needs and actively involve them in the company’s development. Crowdio not only provides better access to information about the company’s implementation activities but also places all employees on equal footing. Regardless of their position, everyone has an equal right to be heard and to monitor the progress of specific projects. This makes all employees a cohesive team, sharing responsibility for the company’s development and promoting an innovation culture.

Crowdio and the innovation culture

As you can see, the crowdsourcing platform Crowdio can play a pivotal role in fostering an innovation culture among employees. It serves as a hub for idea submission, an effective tool for analysis and management, and is accessible to all employees, allowing them to monitor project progress effectively. It is unquestionably the most efficient solution for conducting crowdsourcing activities.

1 The Power of Innovation Culture. Report from the Freenovation 2018 National Research (uj.edu.pl) 

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